Your Health &
Wellness journey
starts here.

Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Mind. Body. Spirit. 

And when you struggle with this – let me help you. – Leigh

What is a Health & Wellness Consultant?

Being a health consultant is more than just telling someone to eat salads and do yoga. Being Healthy in mind, body and spirit has so many aspects to it. When you’re lacking energy, feeling like you need a change in diet, wondering what’s going on with you, because maybe you just don’t feel right, I have the tools to explore to help you create your best life. 

Sometimes it’s not JUST about the food you eat or the amount of exercise you get, sometimes there are other avenues in life that cause a disruption in how you feel, like hormones, adrenal fatigue, gut health, poor self-image, limiting beliefs… Together we can unpack methods of gaining clarity in lifestyle choices and habits all while putting together a plan for an overall healthier you.


If you’re curious about what a Health & Wellness Consultant can do to change your health journey we’ve listed just some of the things Leigh enjoys doing with her clients:

accountability partner

pantry makeover

help read nutrition labels

explore fad diets with you

super market tour

Exercise programs

help with life style changes

hormone consults

healthy gut check

refer you to a doctor/
chiropractor/ massage therapist

Referral Partners

WOOHOOing Health & Wellness Coach, Leigh Lohman has built relationships with professionals in the fields of alternative medicine, functional medicine and Women’s Health Doctors for referral basis. 

We’ve also built relationships with excellent Chiropractors and Massage Therapists in the area, who are also available on referral basis. If your needs are not our expertise we will steer you in the right direction. 

healthy eating


We have a Cook Book full of recipes that are healthy and tasty too. Improve your energy and gut health with recipes that include wholesome meals, crock pot meals, quick granola bars, healthy treats and more. Check out more recipes and follow us on Pinterest for recipes straight into your Pinterest feed.

granola, healthy-recipes-for-granola, recipes,

Start today!

Your first step towards a new you is just a click away. Our Certified Health Coach is ready to help build you a program that fits your lifestyle.